Veneer and Whitening

A top quality porcelain dental veneer – 220 €. With veneers you can get the smile you’ve always dreamed of!
Dental veneer is a thin porcelain blade that covers the front of the teeth (the facade) and allows to correct small imperfections of the teeth such as incorrect shape, color or stains on the tooth.
The veneers are usable for the front teeth, they are the most suitable for 6 central teeth (to create a beautiful smile line like Holywood smile). We can correct many defects of the teeth and improve their appearance in the most natural way (for each patient we produce the veneers according to the morphology of his teeth and his physiognomy).
In some cases if the tooth is too worn, loose or damaged, it is better to opt for the dental crown instead of the veneer. Thus the tooth will be fortified and the result will be more solid and natural. For aesthetics, crowns have the same appearance as veneers.

Bleaching _ with Zoom gives the result immediate , effective and durable ( up to 2 years ). The price is 250 € ( smile area – top + bottom)
With this technology we whiten the teeth in a way very delicate without cause damage the enamel . The procedure hard about 1 hour and she is totally painless . As the result you have a color white natural and radiant .
Please note that in our price the quantity necessary from sessions is included ( without costs additional ).
Aéroport / Hôtel / Clinique
A partir de 2500 €
Accompagnement en votre langue
Tout le traitement est garanti
Équipée pour les patients à mobilité réduite